Thanksgiving Hours
Nov 27th: Close @ 4pm
Nov 28th: Closed
Nov 29th: Closed
4602 Callaghan Road, 78228
Gift Cards
The 4 Horsemen
​Dubbed the "Hottest Burger on the Planet" by Travel Channel's Man V. Food. The "4 Horsemen" burgers contains fresh Jalapeno and Serrano peppers, a Habanero sauce, and the dreaded Ghost(Jolokia) pepper.​
The 4 Horsemen burger is not for the faint of heart, everyone is welcome to try it as long as you are 18 years of age or have a parent/guardian and are authorized to sign our "4 Horsemen Liability Waiver". For those few who wish for bragging rights and a chance at lasting fame by having your picture up on our Wall of Flame, you must complete our "4 Horsemen Challenge".
The 4 Horsemen Challenge Rules
​ 25 Minutes to eat the burger
Allowed to eat/drink anything execpt for remedies
No restroom breaks, sharing, spitting or double tasting
If the burger is eaten within the 25 minutes, then a 5 minute waiting period begins.
Good Luck to any brave soul willing to take on the 4 Horsemen!!!
***Notice*** A chuck bucket is provided, but use of it is an automatic disqualification. If the bucket is missed a $20 clean-up fee is added to the price of the burger. ☺